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TNS, IGS, NCL, MDR1, CEA, SN, GG- clear
hips, elbows, spine healthly, OCD free
potomstwo Nell/ Nell offspring
Nell x Skid
DOB 05.10.2019
sire: Bobby Henderson's Skid (CEA clear)
5 puppies: 1 dog, 4 bitches
1 male: Greig
4 females: Beag, Rona, Skye, Dee
Videos with them:

Kotwica 1

Nell x Ken
DOB 27.01.2021
sire: Kevin Davies Ken (CEA, IGS - carrier, MDR1, TNS,
GG, RS, SN, NCL, EAOD - clear)
6 puppies: 2 dogs, 4 bitches
2 males: Mun, Burch
4 females: Rose, Star, Mini, Molly
Videos with them:

Kotwica 2

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