First competition in 2018. Winter trial.
Where: Stare Chrapowo, somewhere in the Northwest of Poland Sheep: very mixed breeds (full multikulti)
#Class II. Mo.
Day 1. Mo – first run in class 2. Got lost on the outrun. Crossed despite being whistled out. Luckily she spotted the sheep. It is a bit difficult to judge if the lift existed and how did the fetch begin. At the end of the fetch the line got even straight. Furthermore things went much better. Mo kept fast (however bumpy) tempo on the drive, mostly online. First shed in her history was correct, later pen. And this was 'The End'. 47 pts.
Day 2. Again problems on the outrun, but this time I was able to whistle her out. Good things - Mo got the points for the OLF. Rest of the run was quite similar to the previous day. 79 pts.
In summary, for her age (1y3m) and number of trainings, I am very satisfied with her runs (moreover she was placed 1st out vast number of 2 competitors). Mo recently had introduced the whistles, shed and distance. There is a lot of space for improvements - especially precision and tempo and the everything in the outrun.
#Open. Very nice field, long outruns. Really a pleasure to participate in a competition like this.
#Gem Day 1. Correct outrun. The lift took place in a ditch so I have no idea how it looked like, but it ended in a zigzag fetch. I whistled and whistled and nothing changed (except for zigzag directions) and this way to the first gate. Missed. Later on the quality improved. I'd say everything went up to the standards. 90 pts.
Day 2. Again correct outrun. Fetch same as the previous day and with a long stop ... in a ditch of course. I regained control from the first gate. Problems with the whistle again. The drive was definitely slower. This resulted in very short time for the 'close-work'. I managed a quick shed, then pen and 30 seconds were left for the single. We made it with the first cut. 83 pkt.
#Bob Day 1. Outrun correct, however Bobby was pulled a bit to the cross line by an unknown force. Nevertheless widened at the top instead of running into the sheep and then performing a miracle recovery. Zigzag fetch to the first gate (i whistled and whistled with no effect). Fortunately he made the gate through and added a bit more of the zigzag afterwards. Drive with a bit of problems and missed 2nd gate. Shed was quite easy to set, but afterwards the separated sheep went into 2 different directions, so keeping them away did not come too easy. Pen and singe - correct. 83 pkt.
Day 2. Correct outrun nicely widened at the top of the field. Fetch traditionally in zigzag shape and a missed gate. Whistles where blown away by the wind. Correct drive, made the gates. Problems started in the shedding ring. Collared and uncollared sheep did not want to cooperate, so a lot of time was lost. Finally we made the shed, then quick pen and back for the singe with only 20 seconds left. Risky attempt, but with no success. Handlers mistake. Time. 71 pts.
Conclusions. Placings are very satisfactory, but a number of problems occurred - constantly from the lift to first gate I managed to achieve an excellent zigzag shape. Improvement on distance whistle is must. And the runs were quite ordinary. So practice, practice, practice.